Friday, February 24, 2012

Chronic lung diseases hard to diagnose ...

Diagnosis of emphysema may be delayed or missed because symptoms usually develop slowly over many years and may not be noticed initially. Some symptoms, such as,, and pallor may be vague and related to other conditions such as aging. Other symptoms, such as

and similar to the symptoms of diseases such as and. Only a thorough evaluation by a licensed doctor or physician can determine the cause of symptoms. It is important to seek prompt medical care if you feel, or any other signs of emphysema .... For the diagnosis of emphysema,

next >> << list of conditions have been mentioned in sources as possible >>

<< alternative diagnoses to consider during the diagnostic process for Emphysema:

Summer in asthma is often misdiagnosed as emphysema. Viral pneumonia (type of bacterial pneumonia (such as aspiration pneumonia (a type of emphysema: the hidden reasons for incorrect diagnosis of congenital deficiency of alpha-L-antitrypsin - causing chronic respiratory disease that can be unrevealed: Sinusitis hiperdiahnostiruemyy: There is a trend to give Diagnosis, >> if << condition is really a harmless complication of other infections, such as

whooping cough often undiagnosed. Although most children in the western world was

- vaccine (also called ""), this protection wears

off in 15 years. Thus, any teen or adult cough may actually have. This is especially dangerous for children too small for vaccination

and any UN vaccinated children. Pertussis can be fatal to a child. cough symptoms of whooping cough usually productive initially, but then

is a constant dry cough, lasting up to 100 days. elderly grandparents can be a reservoir. undiagnosed whooping cough Chronic lung diseases hard to diagnose: Some difficult to diagnose even unknown good conditions, such as

often or not early diagnosis of some chronic lung diseases with diagnostic difficulties. <<. >> << include >> (surprisingly),,,,,,,, AIDS-related respiratory diseases (see

), and others. Rare possibilities include diseases such as

(bird-related lung infection). See other types of chronic lung diseases chronic respiratory disease - rare species.immune system building foods Failure to diagnose and treat emphysema lungs can lead to more rapid disease progression and increased mortality from emphysema progress can be minimized by treatment and prevention. of certain factors such as smoking >> << no symptoms in its early stages of emphysema and subtle onset of symptoms often leads patients able to see a doctor. It's only once symptoms become more severe, that patients tend to act >> << As a rule, through diagnosis and treatment of emphysema, the worse survival

emphysema is a condition , which develops later in life and in patients with existing asthma symptoms often caused by developing emphysema because of their asthma. Thus, existing respiratory condition increases the risk of developing emphysema be incorrectly diagnosed or undiagnosed

bad posture, poor nutrition and nervous tension may increase the risk of emphysema or enhance existing symptoms

Raw emphysema can lead to complications such as heart problems, lung collapse, pneumonia

unrevealed and untreated emphysema can lead to right heart failure, pneumothorax, respiratory failure and secondary polycythemia

Other causes include emphysema occupational exposure to chemical fumes, dust acts of grain, cotton, wood or mining products and a genetic disorder called alpha-1 antitrypsin

In developing countries, inhalation of smoke at use of biomass for heating and cooking in poorly ventilated areas may cause emphysema

Some connective tissue disorders are often associated with emphysema example kutis laxa and Marfan syndrome

Some people are genetically prone to develop emphysema, that are family history

allergies, chronic bronchitis and asthma can increase the risk of developing emphysema

Emphysema is often misdiagnosed as asthma, because they have similar symptoms -. such as wheezing missed diagnosis of causes of inadequate treatment, which can lead to further progression of emphysema sputum production due to lasix prescritpion emphysema may be wrong as chronic bronchitis, smoker's cough. bronchial, bronchoalveolar cancer, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung abscess and pulmonary edema

through breathlessness of emphysema may be wrong, as anemia, pulmonary edema, chronic heart failure, cystic fibrosis, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia

Quitting smoking can significantly improve symptoms and prognosis in patients emphysema. risk of complications and mortality also decreases

Emphysema conditions that can be deadly if the wrong diagnosis ... Read these general articles with an overview of issues wrong diagnosis. When checking for erroneous diagnosis of emphysema >> << or confirm the diagnosis of emphysema, useful

consider other

disease might be possible misdiagnoses or other alternative

conditions relevant to diagnosis. These alternate diagnoses of emphysema may have already seen a doctor

or perhaps should be considered in as possible alternative diagnoses >> << or candidates for the erroneous diagnosis of emphysema. For a general review of erroneous diagnosis issues for all diseases, see


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